Illinois has specific guidelines for new residential construction.

Illinois Code requires Installation of passive radon piping in all new Residential construction.
Want to know if you can test the soil to find out if you will have radon?
Well, if you are building a new home there is no reliable way to test the soil before construction. Soil testing has been tried and shown to be unreliable, the end result will always be the same, pre-running pipe will be recommended. If you can even find someone to do the test the cost can exceed the price of taking radon reducing measures. Testing the top soil won’t tell you if you will have a problem down below your foundation and there are other factors that will influence the radon level once the home is built.
We recommend checking the EPA Radon Zone Map . Also contact local testing companies and ask them what percentage of homes they’re finding with elevated radon levels in your area. If you live in an area where radon is present, consider installing a radon vent pipe during construction.
Benefits of A Radon Vent Pipe
Radon is not the only gas below your home, natural decomposition of organic matter creates ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide that can also enter your home.
- Can reduce humidity in the basement
- Can decrease odors
- May reduce mold
The techniques may vary for different foundations and site requirements, but the basic elements are:
A. Gas Permeable Layer
This layer is placed beneath the slab or flooring system to allow the soil gas to move freely underneath the house. In many cases, the material used is a 4-inch layer of clean gravel.
B. Plastic Sheeting
Plastic sheeting is placed on top of the gas permeable layer and under the slab to help prevent the soil gas from entering the home. In crawl-spaces, the sheeting is placed over the crawlspace floor.
C. Sealing and Caulking
All openings in the concrete foundation floor are sealed to reduce soil gas entry into the home.
D. Vent Pipe
A 3- or 4-inch gas-tight or PVC pipe (commonly used for plumbing) runs from the gas-permeable layer through the house to the roof to safely vent radon and other soil gases above the house.
E. Junction Box
An electrical junction box is installed in case an electric venting fan is needed later.
Additional Resources
- EPA’s Revised Home Buyers and Sellers Guide to Radon
- Model Standards and Techniques for Control of Radon in New Residential Buildings
Developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the building industry with details on how to install radon-resistant techniques in your new home. - Architectural Drawings of Radon-Resistant Construction Techniques
[You can also download a PDF version of the drawings: “Passive Radon Control Systems for New Construction,” U.S. EPA, Indoor Environments Division, EPA 402-95012, May 1995. This PDF file includes (for one- and two-family dwellings): 1) Passive radon control system; 2) Crawlspace radon control system; and, 3) Additional fan for active system.] - The Council of American Building Officials One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code Appendix F also details radon-resistant techniques. Call (708) 799-2300.
- Order a kit to explain to your builder the radon resistant techniques from the National Association of Home Builders. Call the Home Builder Bookstore at 1-800-223-2665 and order “Building Radon Resistant Homes: A Builder’s Independent Study Kit.”